Berkeley Conquered by Zionists ? !

by Hank Pellissier

100+ city halls in the USA have demanded a ceasefire in Palestine, a humanitarian end to the bloody genocide perpetrated by Israel that’s killed more than 41,000 people.

Berkeley is absent. Not on this list.

What happened?

The university town, nicknamed Berserkeley since the 1950’s beatnik era, is governed today by many putrid politicians that suck at the teat of the Israeli far right nationalist, colonialist, racist, self-chosen people ideology.

Berkeley has a Peace & Justice Commission that’s been castrated by the shenanigans of Berkeley’s City Council. THIS ARTICLE explains that shameful situation.

Zionism’s conquest of Berkeley wasn’t a sudden coup d’etat. The takeover was incremental, a creeping strategy similar to methodically building settlements in the West Bank while bulldozing Arab homes and jailing and torturing intifada youth.

Remember The Berkeley Daily Planet? Available free on the street in print with full color photos? The popular weekly was targeted a decade ago by Zionists because it published anti-Israel opinions. After sending a crap-load of hate mail to the Planet, the Zionists stepped up the assault (claims my source, an ex-city official).

Zionists stalked The Daily Planet’s advertisers, and threatened them, plus they trailed their customers, urging them to discontinue their support. The Zionists even chalked hostile messages in front of advertisers homes and business, accusing them of antisemitism, and worse.

Who are these Zionists? My ex-city official mole says the local collection of pro-Israelites are perhaps guided by the JDL (Jewish Defense League) or the ADL (Anti-Defamation League). Congregation Beth-El is viewed as the most aggressively Zionist entity in Berkeley.

Another victim of local Zionist terrorism was Rabbi Michael Lerner, founder of the progressive Tikkun. Lerner’s property was attacked after he expressed sympathy for Palestine; the door of his house was vandalized and the gate to his yard was damaged.

Threats and violence aren’t always employed by the Zionists; sometimes only a “gift” is needed. Multiple Berkeley city council members have enjoyed free trips to Israel - “junkets.” The list of bribed officials includes Jesse Arreguin, the current mayor.

Berkeley’s City Council has never considered a ceasefire resolution. Instead, they spend their time sabotaging the Peace & Justice Commission by firing dovish members for silly technicalities and replacing them with Zionist war-hawks.

It’s embarrassing and infuriating that Berkeley politics is Zionist-controlled, especially to residents that still cherish 1960’s peacenik ideals. Can this genocide-enabling behavior change?

Of course it can, but only through a united effort, perhaps led by UC Berkeley’s 45,000 students working concertedly with long-established local peace groups, like CodePink.

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