Global Egalitarianism -planetary equity via wealth redistribution, open borders & pure democracy
By Hank Pellissier
this essay was pubished HERE by Hampton Think Tank
Walking under the freeway past the homeless encampment, you hear a voice, “I need 50 cents.” Ignoring the beseecher, you scan the news on your smartphone: Jeff Bezos now has $300 billion. Ahead, you see a struggling woman forced into an ICE van, next to signs promoting two candidates you despise but realize will control your future.
Does society have to be like this?
No. This essay will present an option, grounded in justice and liberty.
Global Egalitarianism is a political philosophy structured on the moral ideal of truly establishing all human beings as equals.
We believe that concept, don’t we? All humans are equal in importance. This maxim inspired American and French revolutions, abolition of slavery, the women’s suffragette movement, gay rights, and every effort to overthrow a tyranny.
All People Are Equal is the compassionate principle of modern, democratic civilization - we embrace this belief and expect others to react with anger if this ethos is violated.
Earth should be an Egalitarian Planet. But it isn’t.
Equality is distant dream today due to economic, social, and political institutions that divide rich and poor, powerful and powerless, bordered nations from bordered nations.
In our 2020 world, people aren’t equal. The power of a rural, single mother in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is insignificant compared to a man addressing his cabinet at 1900 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC.
The richest 1% earn 26.3 times more than the bottom 99%.
There are 2,095 billionaires, but 71% of people live on less than $10 a day.
There are more slaves on Earth than ever before.
One person has visited every nation on Earth but millions have never been out of their village.
750 million people would emigrate, if they could.
52% of people are dissatisfied with their democracy, and 71 nations aren’t democratic.
4.5 million Americans have PhDs, but 775 million people in the world are illiterate.
Let us obsolete these depressing statistics and establish global egalitarianism instead, using the tools of Wealth Redistribution, Open Borders, and Pure Democracy.
Robin Hood is an egalitarian champion because he ‘robbed from the rich and gave to the poor.’ Many others - like Juraj Janosik (Slovak folk hero), Phoolan Devi (‘Bandit Queen’ of India), and Jose Mujica (President of Uruguay) conducted illegal philanthropy similar to the fictitious yeoman of Sherwood Forest. Today the most laudable proponent of wealth redistribution might be Kshama Sawant of Seattle; she spearheaded the movement for $15/hour minimum wage and she’s presently seeking to nationalize Amazon.
“Redistribution” evokes fear and rage in the upper class; clutching their pearls they hiss, “I worked hard for my money” despite 60% of US wealth being inherited. Most middle income people also bristle when ‘leveling’ is considered - it’s derided as communist thievery to support ‘lazy people.’
Truth is, economic history is a long tragedy of powerful entities enriching themselves by stealing from the poor and middle class. Ethical people are appalled that peasants worked 4 unpaid days a week for their landlord, but today’s situation, where Warren Buffett ($82.47 billion) pays less taxes than his secretary is identically unjust.
The rich don’t need all their money; they just buy unnecessary toys with it, like 169 cars, or giraffes ($40,000 - $80,000) and platinum Arowana fish ($300,000), or a kitchen remodel every three years. I know a man living alone in a $40 million house; his beach town has 147 homeless people. Money doesn’t even ‘buy happiness’ - researchers discovered that more wealth simply creates more want.
The “Happy Nations” list exhibits the smallest divide between rich and poor. Happy Nations have a smaller ratio between CEO & worker salaries - in #1 Finland the average CEO salary is $99,515 - in #18 USA it is $820,616.
How rich or poor would everyone be if wealth was divided equally, amongst the world’s inhabitants? What’s the PPP per capita? The answer is $17,110 - similar to China and Costa Rica. Plus - if the world had ‘open borders’ - economists estimate global wealth would elevate 50%—150%. For simplicity’s sake, let’s just double the first figure, for $34,220 - a digit between the economy of delightful Slovenia and popular Portugal.
This figure would lift 2.7 billion people out of their present-day poverty, and of course, lower spoiled others to a more modest standard of living. Solid gold toilets would lose their customers - egads!
How can money be redistributed? Multiple methods exist; let’s quickly discuss a few:
Reparations - Fairness requires that assets stolen from a region are returned, in full, even if the assets were stolen many years ago. Unpaid labor should also be recompensed. It’s evident that Africans and Diasporans of African descent deserve retribution for the enslavement, exploitation, and colonization of their continent. India also deserves to be paid back ($45 trillion?) for the precious treasures the British overlords robbed during colonization, plus the 15-29 million Bengalis who starved to death in the World War II era famine, due to food diverted by Winston Churchill. Similarly, the Dalits (untouchables) deserve compensation from their oppressors for the subjugation they’ve endured.
Armenians and Greeks deserve reparations from Turks; Congolese deserve reparations from Belgium (King Leopold enslaved the populace on rubber plantations and killed 10 million); South Africans deserve reparations for apartheid; Native Americans deserve reparations from European invaders; Jamaica deserves reparations from Britain; South Korea deserves reparations from Japan; Vietnam deserves reparations from the USA; Serbia deserves reparations from NATO, and Haiti deserves reparations from France.
Land Reform - Property is overly-owned by the already-prosperous, who enrich themselves further via rentals and extracting resources. Revolts are launched to distribute land fairly, but not often enough and they aren’t always successful. (Model land reforms occurred in Cuba and South Korea.) Oftentimes, land reform is stymied by foreign powers who want to continue gorging themselves with the status quo. Guatemalan and Chilean leaders, for example, wanted land reform but were overthrown by USA-instigated coups.
Land could be distributed equally, globally. The figures on this are fantastic. If 7.8 billion people divided all the habitable land on Earth, there’d be 2.3 acres per person, claims a University of Texas study.
The Federal Land Dividend strategy of Zoltan Istvan is also worth considering. His idea is to lease USA public land (the government owns 40% of USA acreage, worth $150+ trillion) to provide $1,000 month dividends to citizens. This proposal is a fusion of UBI, Nationalization, and Land Reform tactics.
Nationalization - Public ownership of a region’s resources and industries is a sure-fire way to equitably distribute profit. Norway’s nationalization of its North Sea oil serves as an exemplary example; the profits guarantee the citizenry with free health care, free education, and pensions. Similar situations are evidenced elsewhere: Bolivia nationalized gas, petroleum, hydroelectricity, and lithium - the latter move led to Evo Morales’s ousting in a coup engineered by US shenanigans. Cuba nationalized all private businesses and factories, including 36 US-owned sugar mills; this led to its decades-long pariah status. Chile nationalized copper; Mexico and Venezuela nationalized oil; Pakistan nationalized steel mills; Quebec province in Canada nationalized hydroelectric; Sri Lanka nationalized tea, rubber, and cocoa; Italy nationalized Italia airlines; India nationalized banks, etc.
Nationalization exists worldwide, but still, only a small fraction of resources are publicly owned. Far more could be done. The Socialist Alternative party has an egalitarian agenda: they want the 500 biggest corporations in the USA to be publicly owned. Nationalization is fairer than today’s system where products are created by billionaires who pay workers demoralizing salaries. (Apple workers in China work 60 hour weeks for low pay in unsafe conditions).
Taxation - Progressive income tax, wealth tax, property tax, inheritance tax, sales tax, value-added tax (VAT), and other levies can be used to encourage wealth redistribution. The USA rich were taxed up to 91% in the 1950’s, an era with far better economic equity than today. French economist Thomas Piketty believes “billionaires should be taxed out of existence”; his viewpoint is supported by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “No billionaires”, in my opinion, is a very permissive limitation. I personally think no one needs more than $10 million - this easily guarantees you ‘never have to worry about money again.’
Wages - Minimum wage and maximum wages policies can be used to level the financial field. Luxembourg has the highest minimum wage in the world per nation - $14.12 an hour - but in the USA, that’s topped in at least 17 cities that offer $15/hour or more. If personal wealth, globally, was capped at $34,220 annually, as I previously suggested, $20/hour in a 36-hour work week would be sufficient. Maximum wages only exist in Cuba - this strategy was voted on in Switzerland in 2013 but it failed to pass, receiving just 34.7% of the vote. An obviously target for maximum wage limits is the USA, where corporate CEOs are paid 361 times more than workers.
Universal Basic Income - UBI has accelerated quickly from ‘crazy idea’ to ‘practical solution.’ Early implementations in Canada, Namibia, Finland, Alaska and Stockton, California, suggested its potential. Andrew Yang campaigned for President with UBI as his signature goal. 20th century proponents like Martin Luther King Jr. and Richard Nixon suggest UBI’s major party appeal; Libertarians also appreciate its ability to reduce welfare bureaucracy. UBI guarantees citizenry - either all or selected segments - a monthly check to spend as they please. The Covid-19 pandemic sharply increased interest in UBI; by September 2020 policies were planned for Spain and 20-30 USA cities.
Corporate Sharing & Worker Power - Germany gives workers significant representation in management, with 50% of the supervisory board of directors elected by labor. Their seat at the table guarantees they won’t be mistreated, like warehouse workers at Amazon, who are automatized and “treated like robots” - or at Tesla, oft-accused of racial hostility and discrimination. Strong unions also provide “higher wages, better benefits, increased economic mobility, and reduced poverty.”
Communes & Cooperatives - Numerous egalitarian communities exist, where members live and work together, sharing labor and profit from their enterprises. Examples include Twin Oaks Intentional Community in Virginia, Hutterite colonies in Canadian and US prairie states, and kibbutzim in Israel. Cooperatives and collectives also thrive worldwide, with research indicating they are more productive than hierarchal companies. Spain has more than 18,000 co-operatives, a legacy from the anarcho-syndicalist movement that preceded the Spanish Civil War.
Open Borders are essential in creating Global Egalitarianism. Allowing free and easy immigration to every corner of the planet will deliver these benefits:
People with specific job skills can relocate to an area where their potential can be maximized.
People seeking education in their field of interest can move to receive the training they want.
Commercial items can be transported easily without punitive tariffs and inspections.
Economists claim Open Borders would elevate global wealth by 50% - 150%. This seems obvious: today millions are unable to produce their potential because they live in environments unsuitable to their skills.
People with an aversion or disinterest in the culture of their homeland can relocate easily to other cultures where they can intellectually and emotionally thrive.
People trapped in an overpopulated region or an area ‘going underwater’ due to climate change, can settle smoothly into a safer or less-crowded geography.
Dangerous mindsets like patriotism, nationalism, and xenophobia will be avoided if everyone can relocate internationally, establishing cordial relationships across the globe.
War between hostile nations will become increasingly rare if individuals see themselves as global citizens, instead of warriors for a single state.
Understanding and empathy for all humanity will be elevated if borders are eliminated. Today’s demarcation of WE vs. THEM promotes dehumanization and suspicion of the ‘other.’
10. Cultural forms and intellectual ideas will flourish if access is enhanced.
Arguments against Open Borders are listed below, with rebuttals
Criminals will escape their homelands and invade unsuspecting neighboring nations!
— Easily preventable. Access to international travel can be denied to those with a criminal record.
Immigrants from impoverished lands will migrate and seize all the best jobs in foreign lands.
— Studies indicate most people choose not to move. Example: residents from the impoverished state of West Virginia ($24,774 per capita) seldom relocate 500 miles to the wealthy state of Connecticut ($76,456 per capita). This objection also lacks the morality that global egalitarianism requires. Is it ethical to deprive someone of livelihood because they didn’t grow up as your neighbor? Should their value be lessened because they’re categorized with the subhuman label of ‘alien’? Thirdly, immigrants are generally hired in employment niches the natives lack sufficient numbers to fill. Example: USA needs computer engineers, who are subsequently hired from China, India, Russia, etc.
Local Culture will be destroyed.
— This is the weakest argument of all, as anyone who has eaten a juicy fish taco in Minnesota can testify. Culture survives because it provides joy and speaks to the human condition. Ghanaians celebrate both Christian and Muslim holidays, because they’re all fun. Music, art, cinema, literature and cuisine always borrow across borders: Cubism was inspired by West African masks; the violin (invented in Italy) is instrumental in Chinese concerts; spicy peppers, originating in Peru, are essential in Korean cooking; Nobel Prize novels and Oscar-winning films are applauded everywhere.
Global Egalitarianism requires huge improvement in politics so all people are truly equal. Most democracies in the world are terrifically flawed; many have been re-classified as ‘oligarchies’ - rule by the rich. Pure Democracy is a goal no nation has yet attained, or is even close to. Achieving this has to be done incrementally. Below are suggestions in approximate order:
Abolish Anti-Democratic Institutions. Many systems today subvert the will of the majority. These institutions need to be eliminated, or drastically reformed. In the USA this initial step requires abolishing the Senate and the Electoral College, electing Supreme Court justices, and transferring commander-in-chief powers from the President to the House of Representatives.
Campaign Finance Reform. Political contests need to be publicly-financed - no outside money at all. Candidates abusing this must be disqualified.
Abolish Lobbyists. Politicians cannot accept funding or favors from corporations and special interest groups; this obviously influences their votes. Washington DC needs to cleanse itself from all potential bribery.
Ranked Choice Voting. This helps select politicians the majority can at least tolerate, and it eliminates the need to vote for ‘the lesser of two evils.’
Adopt the Parliamentary System. Presidential government (adopted by 52 nations) is far less democratic than the Parliamentary system, enjoyed in 102 nations. The Parliamentary system enables smaller party representation, it reduces the power of the Executive branch, and it encourages multi-party collaboration.
Encourage Secessions. Individual political power is elevated if the citizen belongs to a smaller group. A voice is more likely to be heard if it is one voice out of 100,000 - 10,000,000 instead of one voice out of 300,000,000 - 1,300,000,000. Eight of the Top Ten “Most Democratic Nations” have 10 million people or less, and none has more than 35 million people. To guide the world towards this, support separatist groups in Catalonia, Galicia, Flanders, Scotland, Chiapas, California, Texas, and Darfur - and support the desire of Berbers, Kurds, Yakuts, Batwa, Canarians, Balinese, Karenni, Assamese, Uygurs, Punjabi, Rwenzururu, and dozens of other ethnicities to govern themself.
Demand Initiatives and Referendums (also known as Proposition or Plebiscites). “R & I’s’ provide ballot measures to the citizenry, so they can directly vote on reforms advanced by other citizens. (Surprisingly, 24 states do not even offer this option) Switzerland and Ireland offer the most referendums in Europe. In Asia, The Philippines is prolific with plebiscites.
Poli Sci Education Required? Fear of ‘mob rule by idiots’ is often just elitism, but it would be alleviated if citizens has to pass information and logic tests for the right to vote.
Abolish Politicians. Representative democracy is flawed because politicians are often narcissistic, authoritarian, and corrupt. If direct democracy referendums are in place, there’s no need for conniving intermediaries.
Emulate Rojava Communalism - Rojava - the Kurdish autonomous zone in northern Syria - governs itself with a ‘communalist’ structure, designed by American political philosopher Murray Bookchin. Rojavans enjoy enormous power at the community level; its ‘bottom-up system’ provides a voice to everyone. The long-term goal of communalists is to organize Earth’s inhabitants into thousands of self-governing communities that are intrinsically linked into non-competitive, ever-large confederacies.
Do you find these utopian ideas preposterous? Science fictional? A wonky, cringe-inducing re-write of John Lennon’s “Imagine’?
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Disillusionment with the status quo, twinned with social media, can create rapid change.
Global Egalitarianism is the future we need.
Jeff Bezos - $300 billion
Global Egalitarianism
equality inspires revolutions, etc.
richest 1% earn 26.3 times more than bottom 99%
2,095 billionaires
71% of people live on less than $10 a day
more slaves on Earth than ever before
One person has visited every nation on Earth
750 million people would emigrate, if they could
52% of people are dissatisfied with their democracy
71 nations aren’t democratic
775 million adults are illiterate,in%20their%20footsteps%20because%20they%20aren%27t%20attending%20school
Wealth Distribution
Juraj Janosik (Slovak folk hero)
Phoolan Devi (‘Bandit Queen’ of India)
Jose Mujica (eventual President of Uruguay)
Kshama Sawant of Seattle - $15/hour minimum wage
nationalize Amazon
60% of US wealth inherited
peasants had to work 4 days a week unpaid for their landlord,the%20lord%27s%20mill%2C%20and%20pay%20the%20customary%20charge.
Warren Buffett pays less in taxes than his secretary is identically unjust
unnecessary toys… like 169 cars
giraffes ($40,000 - $80,000)
Asian Arowana fish ($300,000)
beach town has 147 homeless people
more wealth simply creates more want
“Happiest Nations”
#1 Finland the average CEO salary is $99,515
#18 USA it is $820,616
per capita income - $17,110 - similar to China and Costa Rica
Open Borders - global wealth would elevate 50% - 150%,economic%20production%20%28see%20our%20double%20world%20GDP%20page%29
Africans deserve reparations
India deserves reparations
Dalits (untouchables) deserve compensation
Armenians deserve reparations from Turks
Greeks reparation from Germany
Congolese reparations from Belgium
South Africans reparations for apartheid
Native Americans reparations from European imperialists
Jamaica reparations from Britain
South Korea reparations from Japan
Vietnam reparations from the USA
Serbia reparations from NATO
Haiti reparations from France
Land Reform
Cuba land reform
South Korea land reform,impact%20on%20agricultural%20productivity%2C%20which%20later%20sustained%20poverty-reduction
Guatemalan coup
Chilean coup
7.0 billion people divide Earth - 2.3 acres each
The Federal Land Dividend - Zoltan Istvan
Norway nationalization
Bolivia nationalization
Bolivia coup engineered by US for lithium
Cuba nationalizes 36 US-owned sugar mills
Chile nationalized copper
Mexico and Venezuela nationalized oil
Pakistan nationalized steel mills
Quebec nationalized hydroelectric
Sri Lanka nationalized tea, rubber, and cocoa
Italy nationalized Italia airlines
India nationalized banks
Socialist Alternative wants the 500 biggest corporations in the USA to be publicly owned
Apple workers in China work 60 hour weeks for low pay in unsafe conditions
US rich were taxed up to 91% in the 1950’s
Thomas Piketty “billionaires should be taxed out of existence”
‘no billionaires’ - Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
$10 million - ‘never have to worry about money again.’
Luxembourg minimum wage - $14.12 an hour
USA 17 cities with at least $15/hour minimum wage
vote in Switzerland 2013 failed, receiving 34.7% of the vote
USA CEOs are paid 361 times more than workers
Universal Basic Income
UBI in Canada
UBI Namibia
UBI Alaska
UBI Stockton, California
UBI Martin Luther King Jr.
UBI Richard Nixon
Libertarians UBI
UBI 20-30 USA cities
Corporate Sharing and Worker Power
Germany worker representation - 50% of the supervisory board of directors,or%20require%20some%20such%20form%20of%20employee%20%E2%80%9Cco-determination.%E2%80%9D
Amazon workers “treated like robots”
Tesla accused of racial hostility and discrimination
Union benefits
Communes and Cooperatives
Twin Oaks Intentional Community in Virginia
Hutterite colonies
collectives more productive than hierarchal companies
Spain 18,000 co-operatives
Open Borders
Open Borders General Info
Open Borders elevate global wealth 50% 150%
USA imports computer scientists
Cubism inspired by West African masks
Pure Democracy
Abolish Anti-Democratic Institutions
Ranked Choice Voting,more%20voices%20are%20heard.%20Often%2C%20to...%20More%20
Superiority of the Parliamentary System
“Most Democratic Nations”
Separatist and Secessionist groups
24 states do not have Referendums and Initiatives
Switzerland and Ireland offer the most referendums in Europe,to%20the%20polls%20more%20often%20than%20the%20UK.
Rojava Communalism
Murray Bookchin