Hank, I do enjoy Salon magazine tremendously, and your article was unusual and fascinating. I forwarded it to a lot of my friends. I also enjoyed one of your other stories from last year: “A Husband’s Revenge”. I forwarded that one to a lot of people, also. Weeks later, a divorced female friend of mine mentioned to me she kept thinking about it. Must have really struck a nerve with her. so, keep up the good work. — Charles Matthews
Hank Hyena’s article on circumcision was a rarity — informative and extremely funny. Salon needs more writers like him… Mr. Hyena’s contribution was a refreshing break from your usual stuff – Heather Swanson
Dear Hank Hyena: Your article is one of the most intelligent reports that I have seen on the subject of Tibet. A decent report on Tibet is sadly so rare. I am amazed how so many people choose to embrace Hollywood fantasies while ignoring all historians. I admire your courage to tell the truth, even at risk of “ruining” your own vacation. Sincerely – Wenjing
Dear Hank, I enjoyed your refreshing and ballsy article about your travels in/near Tibet, putting Tibet and Tibetans in perspective. As someone who has spent alot of time around Tibetans in India and in the Bay Area I am fed up with the zombie-like idolatry that we westerners exhibit whenever Tibetans are mentioned. Yours truly – MII
Subject: Turkey baster baby — Maybe I shouldn’t have laughed, but this tickled my funny bone. The HERO of the whole thing is such a wonderful guy. I don’t know of ANY male of my knowledge who could go through this and be so gracious about it all. Good luck to all and may fortune smile on them — Holly D
Hi Hank, Very good Salon travel piece where on your trip to Europe you switched over from the Dark Side and became a more lefty-leaning person. Regards – David
Re: “Swallowing pig sperm…” — Hank, you are a genius. Thanks for the best laugh I’ve had in weeks! My first thought, after I stopped laughing, was how much fun you must be at parties. Cheers – Rearwood
“Anti-wankers want to ban book in Virginia high schools” must have been one of the funniest things I’ve read in salon. Took me about two paragraphs to get it, though. “lightly fingered” seemed like an odd word choice, but “jerked off the shelf” cinched it. Bravo. – Johan
I found your article on the worldwide penis-slashing epidemic positively hilarious, notwithstanding the horrific subject matter (ouch!). I hope you’ll be writing more articles in the near future. Sincerely – HJR9257
it takes courage to write about sex trade. I commend you for putting your ass on the line, so to speak. Hope you can continue to shine light on the sexploitation story. good luck to you – Trout
Good job on the AIDS’ story in Salon. I read the national and local press every day, and this is the first story I’ve seen on it. One has to wonder if the media has ignored the story because of its controversial nature. Keep up the good work – GILGEO
Subject: Zen Flirting. Hank–Hilarious column. Thanks for getting my day off to a good start. – Jay Bartos
That was a great article! IT WAS FUNNY! made me laugh. And well crafted, like, control, like, like a fine canned beer! Give Hank control of the whole enchilada. — – Wise Fool
Hank, you crack me up. Great stuff. – Matassa
Dear Mr. Hyena, I just wanted to tell you I thouroughly enjoyed your article. I am a Wisconsinite, but am soon to be relocating to San Francisco. I look forward to reading your column in the future. – A Tourvil
I really enjoyed your recap of the Folsom Street Fair, and look forward to reading more from you. I quite enjoyed your archive. – Crusso
great article on the Grateful Dead – J Murphy
Hello! Your article this morning is really funny especially to another pregnant woman who’s husband is awed by her huge hooters. Have a great day! – Lynanne Bradshaw
your article on the church of johncoltrane was very interesting. my compliment – L Amauric
I really did enjoy your pieces I read at the Gate. From the woman who taught folks how to marry well to well, the physical manifestations of a mammel toward the end of her period of gestation, you alwyas managed to be very interesting, frequently genuinely funny and of such impact that I’d laugh with joy when I saw your name. From Houston, I send my best to you. –Edward Shaw