“a quirky, witty writer, with a knack for the provocative twist… grotesquely comic… kinky… hilarious” San Francisco Examiner
“two of the better representatives of the 90s shout-it-out school of poetry are (Reg E.) Gaines … and Hank Hyena, who must have fun in a live room doing “William, I Giggled with Your Girlfriend” New York Press (10/27/99)
“shocking, inspired…nortorious Brat Icon…absurdist humor, with a cogent political analysis” San Francisco Weekly
“perversely charming… delightfully outrageous… amusingly graphic… an appealing performer… San Francisco’s performance art bad boy.”San Francisco Chronicle
“Hank Hyena is an original media performer stamped with the charm of authenticity… He uses elaborate props and sculptural additions to describe what can happen when modern living and bodily functions careen out of control…. a Dadaist one-man-band intermedia.” Artweek
“giddy agit-prop cabaret… raunchy” Wall Street Journal
“Hank Hyena is fun to watch…” Oakland Tribune
“infantile glee and political savvy… trenchant and witty… charming… his manner on stage is eminently comfortable” San Francisco Bay Times
“Hyena plunged the audience into a primitive, anarchic world… pithy, grotesque, breathtaking… a master practitioner of the slideshow form…” High Performance
“Hank Hyena is a very amiable, unpretentious performer… he presses doggedly at the most primitive taboo boundaries… had the audience screaming for mercy (and for more)” Daily Californian (UC Berkeley)
“I squirmed and squealed, laughed and leered, and nearly wet my pants on three separate occasions… very real anxieties about bodies and emotions took on comic proportions… amazingly funny and hip.” Cal Aggie (UC Davis)
“MIRACLES OF THE FLESH” by Hank Hyena is a superb collection of funny short stories, written with brains and balls. The one about the fruit fly was so funny, with such a joyous happy ending, I read it thrice. Nine out of ten stories are terrific… Damn fine writing. — ZINE WORLD, spring 1997
“Hyena’s slideshow skits and songs leave you howling hysterically and stunned in horror.” THE CITY
“MIRACLES OF THE FLESH… a great collection. In the style of Eric Bogosian these stories capture the dark side of human nature — all sorts of weird fetishes and bizarre fantasies infect this book. It’s sure to disturb and delight. ” — FACTSHEET FIVE
“Nobody’s more whacked out than Hank Hyena” Sexreporter.com
‘DRINK! DRINK MY COLOSTRUM! DRINK!’ That’s Hank Hyena’s maniacally pregnant wife taunting him just before breast-feeding class, and he’s not quite sure whether he’s grossed out or turned on. Hyena manages to pass on some worthwhile tips for expectant mothers before succumbing to a severe case of what he calls breast-feeding envy. As always, his essay for SFGate.com is hilarious. – Health Daily
“Hank Hyena’s ‘The Lonely Bottom’ is a particularly colorful account of hankering for a prostate massage.” — Paramour Fall/Winter 1998
“Hank Hyena was insanely funny and would do — and write about — anything you asked. Literally, anything. The man drank his own urine for us. I thought he deserved a medal.” Gettingit.com editor Matt Honan interviewed by greenmagazine.com
“Hank Hyena, Daniel Ferri, and Patricia Smith offer up quality poems…: Jack Magazine
“ The Lonely Bottom by Hank Hyena, about a man educated in Catholic Schools and his repressed desires, was hilarious!” -Amazon.com
“everything that is wonderful about dada – Hank Hyena’s brilliant baby-doll short, Anarchist’s Vomit, about an Italian peasant who will do as he pleases or retch in your face” — San Francisco Weekly
“Hank Hyena read a delightfully campy tale about an attention-starved male nipple” — Spectator.net
“Hank Pellissier relates, with touching humor, the story of impregnating both his wife and a lesbian friend and the emotional turbulence the pregnancies evoke.” — Publishers Weekly