The Symposium of Disharmonious Futures
Written by Hank Pellissier, copyright 2024 all rights reserved
Moderator Cassandra Martha Mayonnaise (Pan Euro-American) Hui Hui Long (sees Confucian nations as future dominant power) Shiva Riva (sees India / Hindustan as future dominant power) Willie Wakanda (Africa Rising) Prairie Doug (stutters due to fear of Climate & Nuclear Apocalypse) Rev Elations (Religious Fundamentalist) Soylent Sam (Evil Global Elitist, the 1%) Femme On Li (Women-Only Advocate) Anne Droid (sees future controlled by Artificial Intelligence & The Singularity) Yu Nik (Anti-Natalist) Imma Kropot (wants dissolution of Nation States) E. T. Phann (believes in Alien Saviors) CHORUS - 2-5 singers
Willie Wakanda Martha Mayonnaise Rev Elation Soylent Sam
Yu Nik Hui Hui Long Moderator Cassandra Shiva Riva
Femme On Li Prairie Doug Anne Droid Imma Kropot
E. T. Phann Possible CHORUS ideas
Potential characters in CHORUS
The Symposium is a ZOOM Meeting, alternating between Cast Members and Chorus.
Moderator Cassandra: Hello! Ni hao! Namaste! Habari! I’m the moderator at today’s Symposium of Disharmonious Futures. Everybody here? Mics on? Yes! This vacuous event is sponsored by the artificially intelligent think tank, “Forecasters United Contemplating Theories.” Our Fellows are pompous, pretentious, and unreadable, our Affiliate Scholars are unctuous and desperate, with adjunct positions. We are snotty here, at Forecasters United Contemplating Theories —
Yu Nik: Excuse, me - do you have an acronym instead of that long awkward painful title?
Moderator Cassandra: Yes. [she displays a sign that reads FUCT, she points at each letter] Forecasters United Contemplating Theories. “Fooked.”
Anne Droid: Grammatically it needs the short “u” sound.
Prairie Doug: F-F-Fucked!
Moderator Cassandra: We do not pronounce it that way. We don’t want to say, ‘we predict the future, and we’re fucked.”
Soylent Sam: Ha, Ha, babe, you just said it.
Moderator Cassandra: I knew you’d say that because I have prophetic powers - I am Cassandra - the Gen Z Nostradamus.
Hui Hui Long: Excuse me, what is your position in this think tank?
Moderator Cassandra: Any position you like, handsome, I’m not picky but I do like variety.
Willie Wakanda: What is your professional title? We are all very seriously serious.
Moderator Cassandra: I’m an intern, here to absorb verbal and sexual harassment because our CEO cannot moderate this symposium. He is too ugly to look at for 90 minutes. I will maintain your attention? Regard me as a fluffer stimulating intellectual intercourse.
Willie Wakanda: To call your superior ugly, that is very unkind.
Moderator Cassandra: He is gross to behold.
Shiva Riva: You are very cruel.
Martha Mayonnaise: I know your director quite well and I find him very attractive.
Moderator Cassandra: I’m not surprised you say that. I heard you slept with Henry Kissinger.
Martha Mayonnaise: That’s none of your business. And the Secretary is quite charming.
Moderator Cassandra: Our event will be quite sassy. Symposiums traditionally have dull eggheads pretending to listen to each other. We do have 4 snoozers like that but we also invited 8 randoms with mega-followers. I call these invitees “thoughtless leaders.” Another change to boost eyeballs is - everyone here has a nickname to indicate their fringe cult.
Shiva Riva: Fringe Cult? Excuse me?
Moderator Cassandra: Don’t be fussy, Hindi bindi. Another change is - we have a Chorus
Hello we are the Chorus, we always sing in rhyme We will pop in, entertaining you, from time to time -
This symposium seems crude and rude There’s no food No caviar No wine bar We’re not even in the same room it’s just Zoom No deviled eggs, no baguettes We’ll yak about theories we’ll all forget No olives, no cheese Just fake expertise No one agrees On what the future will be
(they are cut off shortly)
Moderator Cassandra: This symp is also a game show, presenters get viewer upvotes and downvotes and the winner gets a billion - guess what?
Martha Mayonnaise: A billion dollars?
Moderator Cassandra: Wrong, guess again...
Shiva Riva: A billion pounds?
Moderator Cassandra: Yes! A billion pounds, but -
Hui Hui Long: That is excellent. I’m not even offended that it isn’t in yuan.
Moderator Cassandra: It’s NOT British pounds…! Guess what it is?
Willie Wakanda: This is quite irregular.
Martha Mayonnaise: What are we talking about?
Moderator Cassandra: It’s a billion Lebanese pounds!
Hui Hui Long: That’s worth almost nothing.
Moderator Cassandra: I know! It’s hilarious!
Shiva Riva: You are a vicious person.
Willie Wakanda: I do not comprehend your sense of humor.
Moderator Cassandra: Let’s start. First we have to listen to the four high brow parasites, I mean, panelists, for a few agonizing minutes each. We will savagely dismiss and ridicule their predictions. The four tweedle dummies are Martha Mayonnaise from the Euro Pan-American West -
Martha Mayonnaise: Helloooo (she is applying eyeliner)
Moderator Cassandra: Second is Hui Hui Long from East Asia (she pronounces this wee-wee).
Hui Hui Long: My name is pronounced “way way” long.
Moderator Cassandra: Sorry. I made a wee wee mistake. FYI - you’re very hot. You can have your way way with me anytime, way way.
Hui Hui Long (covers his face shyly)
Moderator Cassandra - Third is Shiva Riva, telling us about India -
Shiva Riva: Hindustan.
Moderator Cassandra - You are soooo high maintenance, Diva Diva. Don’t wear me out.
Shiva Riva: I protest your behavior!
Moderator Cassandra: And fourth is a wild card futurist, an outside chance, he has a dream, he’s a very dark horse…
Willie Wakanda looks puzzled.
Prairie Doug: R-R-Racist! R-R-Racist!
Moderator Cassandra: I’m not rascist, I’m bi-racial. Look - I have one white hand and one black hand)
Willie Wakanda: My introduction?
Moderator Cassandra: Willie Wakanda from Africa!
Anne Droid: Excuse me, where is Russia?
Moderator Cassandra: Russia wasn’t invited.
Imma Kropot: Russia should be here.
Martha Mayonnaise: Russia will be destroyed by NATO
Shiva Riva: Hindustan is fond of Russia, our friend, Russia, has a future with us.
Martha Mayonnaise: I expected you to Putin a good word for our enemy.
Hui Hui Long: China will buy Siberia and grow wheat fields in the soil released from permafrost by global warming.
Prairie Doug: M-M-Methane G-G-Gas! E-E-Eighty-six t-t-times more p-p-potent than carbon d-d-dioxide.
Russia is a gigantic place From Black Sea to the Bering Strait How many lakes? 2.8 million How many trees? 642 billion Barrels of oil? 80 billion Rivers? Volga, Dneiper, Don Weapons? 6,000 nuclear bombs
These massive numbers inspire fear But how many bottles of vodka a year Does the average Russian drink? Answer: one hundred eighty
Is glorious Russia, the magnificent bear Drinking it’s future away, in despair? Economically vomiting down the drain? Due to the cost of the war in Ukraine? Suicide rate is sky-high Russia tomorrow, is destined to slide Down, down, down
Anne Droid: The 1.8 billion people who practice Islam are also excluded. That seems odd.
Shiva Riva: I am happy to have them disappear.
Rev Elation: I am displeased with their omission. They are Abrahamic. This seems like a secular plot.
The Islamic world is wide and vast From Jakarta to Marrakesh Almost 2 billion Muslim-believers today But it’s future, we think, is a mess
The internet is where religions die Where creeds are exposed as baloney Science indicates the words of Muhammed Are consistently false testimony
Muhammed did not chop the Moon in half Muhammed did not cure the blind with his spit Muhammed did not fly on a white horse with wings The laws of Science do not permit it
Today, many Muslims And their skeptical cousins Are renouncing the faith - apostates! Who say the Prophet’s visions were epileptical seizures
We don’t see any mad jihad In the future and we’re glad Goodbye Islam & Christianity Climb in the trashcan Of superstitious insanity
Moderator Cassandra: After the four regional parasites are done with their blobbering, we will hear from the eight thoughtless leaders: Prairie Doug - who is terrified of climate change and nuclear disasters
Prairie Doug is shaking and stuttering “T-T-Thanks.”
Moderator Cassandra: Next is Rev Elations, preacher aiming for the Rapture and hoping we burn in hell
Rev Elation is self-flagellating
Moderator Cassandra: After that is oylent Sam - He’s a Global Elitist, in the 1% of the 1% of the 1%
Soylent Sam is counting gold coins
Moderator Cassandra: He’s followed by Femme On Li, women’s only advocate
Femme On Li is reading “I Hate Men” by Pauline Harmange
Moderator Cassandra: nest we’ll welcome Anne Droid, she’s post-human
Anne Droid is reading The Singulariy is Near
Moderator Cassandra: Up after that is Yu Nik the Anti-Natalist
Yu Nik is reading “Better Never To Have Been: The Harm of Coming Into Existence”
Moderator Cassandra: Followed by Imma Kropot, anarcho-commie
Imma Kropot is a punk reading CrimeThink
Moderator Cassandra: And last, and least - is E. T. Phann waiting for Alien Salvation
E.T. Phann wears a green alien mask
Moderator Cassandra: First up is Martha Mayonnaise. Brace yourself for a tsunami of idiocy.
Martha Mayonnaise: Thank you, everyone, I chose this name because I’m a condiment heiress that donated my way into an ambassador position. I represent the future of Pan Euro-America - the three very best continents. Europa has famous paintings made of oil back in the good old oily days when oil didn’t have the negative reputation it now has.
Prairie Doug: S-S-Stop F-F-Fossil Fuel! K-K-Keep it in the g-g-ground!
Martha Mayonnaise: Europa has history going way way way way -
Hui Hui Long: You’re saying my name?
Martha Mayonnaise: … way way back like 200 years ago when white people were just beginning to discover and civilize the world.
Prairie Doug: R-R-Racist! Neo-N-N-Nazi!
Martha Mayonnaise: We also control Baja Americano… South America - this wild, untamed region has tacos and burritos and Indians chewing cocaine leaves like its normal and herds of guinea pigs eaten on sticks like lollipops. And Canada belongs to us, too, it has, it has, let me remember, it has… penguins?
Anne Droid: You are an imbecile.
E T Phann: When the space-ships arrive - (he is cut off)
Martha Mayonnaise: The heart of Pan Euro-America is the United States, because it has football played correctly with our hands, old-fashioned trains, very expensive colleges, and just two political parties because capitalism simplified that. Pan Euro America is the envy of the world - everyone in the developmentally delayed and disabled nations -
Prarie Doug: A-A-Ableist!
Martha Mayonnaise: Because we offer Freedom - that mysterious feeling that tastes like fried chicken, lukewarm beer, and buttered corn on the 4th of July. Pan Euro-America has the best future and everyone has to copy us, or we will blow you up.
Willie Wakanda: I am revolted by your arrogant exceptionalism.
Martha Mayonnaise: Thank you, that’s a lot of big words. I appreciate you.
Shiva Riva: Pan Europa Americana is a rotting museum of colonialism & slavery.
Martha Mayonnaise: You are hissy. I feel sorry for you. Try gratitude.
Hui Hui Long: Ms. Mayonnaise, you are a running dog imperialist.
Martha Mayonnaise: That sounds mean, right? I’m an important person, you know. I was invited to Nancy Pelosi’s for lunch.
Willie Wakanda: Your speech would induce vomiting in Francis Fanon.
Martha Mayonnaise: You are all just jealous. You go to our countries on vacation, you immigrate to us and you go to our universities, and now, here you are, backstabbing me.
Shiva Riva: We are stabbing you directly in front.
ET Phann: In the bosom.
Martha Mayonnaise: I’d be offended I wasn’t so secure in my privilege.
Imma Kropot: You are anachronistic.
Martha Mayonnaise: Why don’t you just speak English? You are a white person.
Moderator Cassandra: Okay, that’s enough Mayonnaise for me.
Martha Mayonnaise: I have more to say -
Moderator Cassandra: Maybe you can “catsup” later. Let’s check your numbers - wow! 22,000 downvotes. The Lebanese billion is slipping away from you.
Martha Mayonnaise: I hate huumus.
Willie Wakanda: A billion Lebanese pounds is $66,000. I want to win.
Imperialist Caucausians Colonized Africans & Asians With bloody hands and faces white With greedy guns and appetites Europe and the USA Were conquistadors But today Reparations they should pay They were nasty and dishonest Breaking treaties that they promised Building massive monuments With colonial blood and bones To feed their Nasdaqs and Dow Jones
Moderator Cassandra: Our next panelist is Hui Hui Long. (She mispronounces it “wee wee”)
Hui Hui Long: Hui (way) Hui (way) Long. Please.
Moderator Cassandra: I’m sorry. I’m way way way apologetic way way. Please proceed my handsome man.
Hui Hui Long: I will refute the previous comments by the deeply respected albino big-nosed barbarian.
Prairie Doug: R-R-Racist! X-X-Xenophobe!
Hui Hui Long: I forseee a Confucian conclusion of our planet’s evolution. Confucius - the Sage from Shandong - is revered by 2 billion people in China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the rogue criminal island of Taiwan. Confucianism respects education, self-control, obedience to elders, correctness in social relationships. Confucius wanted individuals to co-exist harmoniously in small groups like families, and in large groups like Han Monster Empire 2.0. Confucian nations will unite in the future, we will buy the world. Confucian nations have had sad times when we hung our heads in shame, but, Confucius says, "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
Mary Mayonnaise: East Asia will never rule the world. Our army is brave and strong! Your soldiers are soy-boys.
Hui Hui Long: Confucius says, "Before you embark on a journey of violence, dig two graves."
Mary Mayonnaise: I know your kids get all the A’s, but we’re still much better than you.
Hui Hui Long: Confucius says, "He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words intelligent."
Shiva Riva: My upcoming speech predicts the collapse of East Asia.
Willie Wakanda: Africa likes China. If we keep mating - our women with your workers - we will create a Blasian race that rules the world.
ET Phann: All of you are irrelevant. When the space-ships land - (cut off)
Moderator Cassandra: Let’s check the social media response. OUCH! Hui Hui (wee wee) is almost as unpopular as Mayonnaise. 19,000 downvotes. I still love you Hui Hui. (wee wee) I’d love to gush about you but right now…
Excuse us, excuse us Let’s discuss Confucius He cannot seduce us With the wisdom Of his system Because it’s patriarchal & heirarchial Everyone in their places in very fixed relations Or you lose your faces Disgrace and shame Upon your name
The Sage of Shandong Wants us all to get along But his petrified solution Is wrong wrong wrong Censoring the voices Seeking a multitude of choices
Everyone in their places In very fixed relations Or you lose your faces - No Thanks!
Moderator Cassandra: Next we will try to endure Diva Diva, here to tell us about Indians.
Shiva Riva: I am Shiva Riva and I represent Hindustan.
Femme On Li: Excuse me, I need to interrupt.
Imma Kropot: Me, too, this symposium is headed…
Femme On Li: In the wrong direction. I don’t think it’s wise to categorize -
Imma Kropot: People simply by the nation-state they dwell in
Femme On Li: Other categories exist, like gender -
Imma Kropot: Or preferred social organizations.
Femme On Li: I’d like to speak right now.
Moderator Cassandra: You are speaking right now. Interrupting. You’re scheduled later with the other thoughtless leaders.
Imma Kropot: Let her talk now.
Moderator Cassandra: I prefer to mute her.
Imma Kropot is speaking but she’s muted.
Moderator Cassandra: No one can hear you! Your lips are moving but I shut you up!
Soylent Sam: Cassandra, unmute her. I’m a FUCT donor. I insists.
Moderator Cassandra: Really? Okay. (she unmutes her).
Femme On Li: Hello? Am I still on mute? Hello?
Rev Elation: We hear you now! Hallelujah!
Shiva Riva: I am supposed to be next! This is improper!
Moderator Cassandra: You need to wait, Riva! Go ahead, sexy lady.
Femme On Li: The future will be peaceful, I promise, because humanity is finally going to get rid of a crippling genetic flaw that’s infected us since Lucy walked across the savannah. The human race will eliminate the DNA that has retarded our progress -
Prairie Doug: A-A-A-Ableist!
Femme On Li: Humans will eradicate the DNA that causes war, crime, and clowning around in primary school classrooms. The Y chromosome. Our species will thrive when we eliminate the Male.
Rev Elation: Abomination!
Hui Hui Long: Confucius says -
Femme On Li: Confucius misogynist! He said, “One hundred women are not worth a single testicle.”
Rev Elation: Jesus was a Man! Moses was a Man! Abraham was a Man!
Femme On Li: Christian misogynist! No women apostles, Popes, or priests. We need a women-only world. When leaders are women, compassion prevails.
Imma Kropot: Margaret Thatcher?
Martha Mayonnaise: Hillary Clinton!
Femme On Li: Predatory behavior is caused by the Y chromosome; testosterone is sociopathic. Males cause 90% of violent crimes.
Anne Droid: Ninety-two percent of Nobel prize winners are male.
Femme On Li: Scientists can now extinguish the male with parthenogenesis. We can alter ovum and encourage them to act like sperm, penetrating an ovum. Fatherless baby mice have been developed. Double-Mommy rodents with no genes from a daddy - and they lived 57% longer -
Soylent Sam: This is a wet dream for lesbian separatists.
Anne Droid: And Life-extensionists.
Soylent Sam: Hey, Femme. You’re quite butch and I don’t think you’re a biological woman. You look trans to me.
Femme On Li: Trans women are women!
Prairie Doug: I-I-Ignore him. H-h-he’s a T-T-T-TERF!
Femme On Li: Parthenogenesis longevity will make it advantageous for all babies to be girls. Males won’t necessary for propagation anymore! Men will disappear! No more violence!
Shiva Diva: Gandhi was male.
Femme On Li: My question for the penis people here - wouldn’t you’d rather be a super-femme living 130+ years?
Willie Wakanda: 130 years sounds very good…
Soylent Sam: Dude, show some balls! Don’t be a mangina!
Yu Nik: I don’t want to live that long. 130 years. So much suffering. (Weeps)
Femme On Li: I want a female planet. Let’s extinguish masculinity.
Rev Elation boos loudly.
Prairie Doug: S-S-Sexist!
Males today internationally say:
“Hey bros, we’re a studly team Stronger than our weak ass neighbors Fiercer than Croatians Mightier than Haitians Scarier than Alsatians Let’s conquer, slay and eat crustaceans
Hey bros - join our army, now, or you’re a traitor Let’s kill people - even Quakers Let’s obey the orders of our dictators”
Females today globally say:
“Men are merciless crusaders Raised on guns & TV gore Men enjoy eternal war Men are foolish, patriotic They die in battles - it’s idiotic Man-flesh in a body bag On their coffin we drape a flag
Females say they watch:
Man kill man in Afghanistan Man kill Gaza, man kill West Bank Man kill Iraq and corpses stank Man kill Congo and Sudan Man kill Cambodia and Vietnam
Man murders man to help their team That’s why we want to erase their gene Man endangers the human race War DNA is quite unsafe Women only deserve the world No more boys just girls girls girls
No more Y chromosomes, just XX Fusing with XX Eggs loving eggs in test tube sex
Moderator Cassandra: Thanks, Femme On Li, for the girl-power presentation. Let’s check social media. Uh Oh, reddit incels down-voted you. 33,000 dislikes. Sorry! Hey Indian, are you ready?
Shiva Das: Hindustani!
Rev Elation: STOP! That she-devil, that man-slayer, her demonic plan needs immediate condemnation! For God’s sake, let me speak!
Shiva Diva: Hindustan has waited patiently for eons.
Willie Wakanda: Africa wants to talk too. Wakanda will rise up!
Rev Elation: The sword of heaven may strike me down if I am false in my testimony!
Imma Kropot: No Gods, No Masters.
Rev Elation: Hear me now, or the Pit of Hell will open.
Moderator Cassandra: Awesome threat. I’m gonna let you go next, freak, but make it quick.
Rev Elation: Bless you, Cassandra. Bless you and may you be spared.
Imma Kropot: I’m going to the toilet. I want to miss this
Rev Elation: All of us know there’s only one vicious battle going on in this tough-loving universe. All of us know there’s only the war between God-Fearing Believers and Satanic Secularists. What about the wishy-washy agnostics? They are damned to eternal hellfire, too, they will scream like raped babies because they question the existence of our Merciful Lord. In the future all religions will unite, Jews, Christians, Hindu-Taoist witch-doctors, even the A-rabs, the Musselmen, all will unite because we all have FAITH there’s Heaven for Us and Hell for the atheists. Excuse me while I froth and babble. &*!!?*^#$@_@(@^$@#$&
Femme On Li: (covers eyes) He’s really gross.
Yu Nik: He is suffering. I grieve for him.
Rev Elation: This war - People of Faith versus Heretics, Apostates, and minions of Lucifer. This war ignores the artificial boundaries of Masonic politicians. This war pits all God-Adoring saints versus the slaves of Beelzebub. This means - do we love the Taliban? YES. Do we love ISIS, and the Waco martyrs? YES! Do we want Russia with its Orthodoxy to conquer godless China and secular Europe with its empty cathedrals? YES. Do we want Southern Baptists to drown Sam Harris? YES. When its over we will all go to heaven on different highways! The Rapture will lift Christians to marshmallow clouds with fat naked altar boys. Hindus will jump off the holy roller-coaster wheel of Samsara, and the A-Rabs, the Musselmen will enjoy their insatiable 72 virgins.
Hui Hui Long: China doesn’t believe in God, and we have done very well without him.
Rev Elation: When God shows up, the Atheists and Agnostics will see that He exists because He will do something astounding, like the Red Sea parting but even bigger. God will smack down China, and the Global Elite, the billionaires who sell their souls to Satan for money and pedophilia.
Soylent Sam: I would be offended, if I was a normie, but I’m not, I’m a sociopath.
Imma Kropot: I went to the toilet and stunk it up, but I’m sure Rev Elation’s speech stunk worse.
Rev Elation: Hell for all of you!
Moderator Cassandra: Let’s check social media. YIKES! The Bible Belt voted. Rev Elation got 20,000 upvotes. He’s in first place for the Lebanese billion.
Imma Kropot: Disgusting. Pathetic
Anne Droid: Never underestimate human stupidity.
We’re terrified of that preacher He’s creepy, isn’t he? We hope he doesn’t win Is it blasphemy? To say this churchy-man is wicked? perverted and insipid?
We’re terrified of the preacher He’s creepy, isn’t he?
Moderator Cassandra: And now, fit’s time to listen to India.
Shiva Riva: Hindustan! I have been patient. Ms. Cassandra, please. No more interruptions.
Moderator Cassandra: Diva, don’t irritate me. I am generous -
Soylent Sam: I’d like to go next.
Shiva Riva: No! I will talk now!
Soylent Sam: I can wait. I have some fake moon landings and epidemics to plan.
Shiva Riva: Namaste my siblings. Disregard what the Chinese baby told you. We Hindus are the oldest, wisest civilization, with the most gods, the most people, the most yoga, the most computer programmers.
Prairie Doug: T-T-The most p-p-polluted c-c-cities!
Femme On Li: Female infanticide! Rape pandemic!
Shiva Riva: Our economy will soon be the second-largest in the world.
Prairie Doug: Y-y-you will be h-h-half underwater! With the rest f-f-fried to a c-c-crisp!
Shiva Riva: We are the world’s largest, most successful democracy, unifying 122 major languages. Hindustan people today reincarnations of Hanuman the flying monkey - and China is just an old dragon that has lost its fire. We will replace China in the #1 position. China will collapse when their people revolt. Hindustan has Wesrern allies, Brahman politicians - Rani Sunak in UK, Vivek Ramaswamy in USA.
Femme On Li: Nikki Halley?
Shiva Riva: Nikki isn’t Hindu, she’s Sick.
Femme On Li: Sikh
Shiva Riva: Hindustan will force Britain to pay us $40 trillion in reparations, for stealing our treasures, for extorting our economy, for killing us in famines.
Prairie Doug: N-N-No Justice, No P-P-Peace!
Yu Nik: Will money ease your suffering. $40 trillion ?
Shiva Riva: We hope our friend Russia, will Putin a good word for us.
Martha Mayonnaise: That was my joke, copycat.
Moderator Cassandra : Let’s see what social media says. OH MY. Indians are voting - 33,000 up votes, you are now in first place for the Lebanese billion. Congrats.
Shiva Riva: I am glad. My words are true.
India is rich in flavors, the exotic taste of curry Streets are packed with colors rushing blended in a hurry We don’t want to worry About the rise in global heat Withering crops to eat Smog suffocating Mumbai sky Smelly Delhi, rank Chennai
We want the world to be Bollywood Musical, ecstatic Twinkling with India’s magic It’s astonishing & gorgeous That’s the awed opinion of this Indophile chorus
Moderator Cassandra: Who wants to jump in now?
Willie Wakanda: Africa is next. But I am not impatient. I enjoy this chaos.
Imma Kropot: I’d like to talk.
Moderator Cassandra: Ms. Kropot? Tell us what you got.
Ms. Kropot Tell us what you got Ms. Kropot Tell us what you got Ms. Kropot Tell us what you got
Imma Kropot: We heard three regions say they want global domination. But the rest of us DO NOT want this. Let’s consider, instead, the possibility that the world is not congealing into large clots of abusive power but is instead, unraveling, breaking up into increasingly smaller segments. I represent Tinyism, a future of secessionist movements. I want the breakup of all large conglomerate-states. Starting with India -
Shiva Diva: Hindustan is a successful, unified nation.
Imma Kropot: Dozens of languages and religions and 645 indigenous groups. Gandhi was anarchist, he wanted a subcontinent of autonomous villages.
Hui Hui Long: China is unified. Han Master Empire 2.0
Imma Kropot: China’s 55 ethnic minorities deserve independence. Europe too. There’s also 190 ethnicities in Russia. Africa has 3,000 languages, and there’s 5,000 indigenous tribes in the world that will flourish when Tinyism is successful.
Shiva Diva: It’s best if we leave everything the way it presently is. Nothing needs fixing.
Hui Hui Long: I agree with Shiva Riva.
Willie Wakanda: I don’t want Africa divided into little squabbling triblets.
Martha Mayonnaise: Little people need big rulers.
We want every nation to be petite The Presidential Palace a cottage on our street We want our communities Deciding what the laws should be
California should be free Divide it into fifty-three autonomous principalities Texans want their liberty give it to the Lone Star State But chop it into 28 micro-nations of equal weight
Shatter England dismember France Give the Catalans a chance Let Flanders wear some big boy pants
We would go to Goa if it was like Samoa & had its own passport
We like the fauna and the flora of Leichenstein and Andorra Vatican is miniscule but we like it least because of course its crawling with Catholic priests
Shatter England dismember France Give the Catalans a chance Let Flanders wear some big boy pants
Moderator Cassandra: Let’s check Imma Kropot’s score. Big upvote from the Kurds. You’ve got 5,000.
Imma Kropot: Viva Rojava!
Moderator Cassandra: It’s Soylent Sam’s turn next but he will keep it short.
Willie Wakanda: Why is this man allowed to speak at all? He’s been rude, yelling crazy words, lacking control.
Prairie Doug: W-W-Wakanda, you’re m-m-mistaken, it’s m-m-me, I have been the r-rudest, c-c-craziest p-person.
Wille Wakanda: Yes, I stand corrected. It is Prairie Doug that is unreasonable.
Hui Hui Long: Confucius said, “A reasonable man adjusts himself to the world. An unreasonable man expects the world to adjust itself to him. Therefore, all progress is made by unreasonable people.”
Moderator Cassandra: Hui Hui, you’re so smart! I wish I could sit on your lap!
Hui Hui Long: Confucius said, “Girl who sits on Judge’s lap gets Honorable Discharge.”
Moderator Cassandra: I’m flattered!
Soylent Sam: I’m a member of the Global Elite. The 1% of the 1% of the 1%.We control finance, politics, media, culture. Did we sell our souls to Satan? As Rev Elation claims? NO, not yet, because I haven’t been offered a fair price. The primary goal of the Global Elite is to increase our obscene wealth. How do we do this? Do we invent spectacles like 9/11, and Covid? I won’t say. Do we make money via pedophilia trafficking and organ harvesting? My lips are sealed. What I can talk about is - we are very concerned about the Eight Billion “useless eaters” on Earth. The Global Elite only need 300,000 obedient sheeple to conduct our business. We don’t want to kill 8 billion useless eaters. We just want you to exist in a form that is cost efficient. So, my plan is to remove your 8 billion brains and float them in a giant tank full of liquid psychedelics where you can experience simple ecstasy forever. Your brains squished in a jar, like pickled herring… you’ll be out of the way. Your leftover flesh? We will turn that into canned meat to feed our 300,000 obediant sheeple.
Femme On Li: You are a monster that must be stopped.
Martha Mayonnaise: None of this will ever happen except in movies that only creepy people, like Russians, will watch.
Soylent Sam: Any questions?
Shiva Das: Are you British?
Imma Kropot: How do you determine who gets their brain scooped out and tossed in the pond, and who gets to go on living normally, with their full body?
Soylent Sam: We don’t want rebellious types walking around complaining. Curious people with questions will get their brains tossed in the tank. What’s your real name?
Prairie Doug: D-d-don’t tell him! And always use S-S-Signal, with an a-a-avatar!
Moderator Cassandra: Let’s count Soylent Sam’s social media numbers. Uh-oh. QANON voted against him — his score is negative 45,000. No Lebanese billion for you.
Soylent Sam: I will have all of Beirut brain-bobbing very soon.
What we just heard We won’t talk about that Because we don’t want Our brains in a vat
(Repeat, speaker softer and softer)
Moderator Cassandra: The floor is yours, Willie Wakanda, please proceed.
Willie Wakanda: Africa is the birthplace of the human - Mother Africa will regain its dignity, via innovation, wealth, and population. By 2100 there will be more Africans in the world than everyone else combined —
Martha Mayonnaise: Except Africans won’t be living there, you’ll be in leaky boats, paddling to Europe.
Prairie Doug: D-D-Drought! D-D-Desertification!
Willie Wakanda: With our stable governments, we will free ourselves from the economic imperialism of predators, especially the French. We will advance, allied with Russians and Chinese. We will default on the $702 billion we owe the World Bank. We will protect our valuable resources: diamonds, gold, platinum, uranium, petroleum, rare earth minerals. Africa will also get reparations from Pan Euro America - payback for centuries of slavery, colonization, exploitation.
Prairie Doug: T-T-Temperature is climbing f-f-faster in Africa than anywhere else. S-S-Sandstorms! C-C-Cyclones!
Willie Wakanda: We will be lifted up by our own gold currency, that’s what Gaddafi wanted, that’s why he was martyred.
Martha Mayonnaise: Hilary disagreed and I’m with her.
Moderator Cassandra: Let’s check social media. WHOA! Nigerian princes are voting illegally multiple times. 33,000 upvotes. Wakanda is in first place!
Willie Wakanda: I am pleased with this game.
Africa has been pillaged Wealth extracted from every village Diamonds and gold Slaves captured and sold Elephants, Cape Buffalo Curly horns and vaccum nose Hippos, Giraffe White people point and laugh Africa rise, rise like the red sun of Sahara Your life today is difficult but it might improve tomorrow.
Moderator Cassandra: Who will harangue us next? Prairie Doug? Tell us your nonsense.
Prairie Doug: I represent the f-f-future that this conference i-i-ignores. Because you’re all too t-t-t-errified like ostriches with c-c-cowardly b-brains in the sand.
Wille Wakanda: I live in Africa and they don’t actually do that.
Prairie Doug: G-G-Global Warming. Scorching h-h-heat. Rising sea levels. Snow s-s-storms in the t-t-tropics. Nuclear w-w-war. C-c-v-ivilization will not c-c-continue. S-S-Seaports drown. R-R-Rivers flood. F-F-Forests fires. A-a-avalanches. H-H-Hurricanes. S-S-S-Survivors dwelling underground like p-prairie d-dogs because the air is full of radioactive t-t-tornados due to nuclear war with N-N-North K-K-Korea and C-Cuba. I will dwell in an ICBM b-b-unker built in the 1960’s in the G-G-Great Plains. O-o-only a few other s-s-survivors in Europe’s N-N-Neanderthal caves. What will kill us first - nuclear b-b-bombs or Climate C-c-change?
Rev Elation: Climate change is a hoax. A lie by the Global Elite to sell electric vehicles.
Soylent Sam: Maybe he’s right, I’m not saying.
Rev Elation: Earth is God’s gift to Adam and Eve. Soylent Sam, you are satanic.
Yu Nik: Human numbers need to be reduced, to alleviate the suffering of animals.
Moderator Cassandra: Let’s check Prairie Doug’s score. OUCH! Everyone got too depressed to vote.
Yu Nik: I am depressed.
Moderator Cassandra: Prairie Doug’s score is just +1. Prairie, did you vote for yourself?
Prairie Doug: W-w-why not?
Moderator Cassandra: Who’s next? Who’s got another useless idea?
Yu Nik: I would like to speak for the Anti-Natalists.
Willie Wakanda: Natal? In South Africa? You oppose the Bantustan of the Zulu? Why are you targeting Natal?
Martha Mayonnaise: Don’t be silly Wakanda. This is not about you. He’s anti-NATO. We’ve seen these people before.
Femme On Li: You’re both wrong. The word is Natal, from nativity. Referring to birth. Let him speak!
Yu Nik: Thank you, Femme On Li. Your dreams and mine are similar except you want the elimination of only one gender, but I want them all to disappear. I believe procreation - bringing life into this suffering world - is evil and immoral. Only psychopathic monsters choose to be parents -
Martha Mayonnaise: Excuse me! I am happy. I enjoy myself.
Rev Elation: I believe it is worth coming into this world for the sole purpose of loving and admiring God!
Willie Wakanda: Excuse me, brother, how do you pronounce your nick-name? Yu…
Yu Nik: Eunuch.
Willie Wakanda: Right. Of course.
Yu Nik: Parenthood is irresponsible because the larvae you breed will cause hurt and harm to others, and experience pain themselves. The only way to end this cycle of anguish is to abstain from having children. I am a member of the Voluntary Extinction Movement, and the Church of Euthanasia. We agree with Buddha - birth is an entry into a world of suffering. We believe, “sleep is good, death is better; but the best thing would to have never been born at all.”
Soylent Sam: Babies are happy if their brains are floating in my psychedelic broth.
Femme On Li: Yu Nik, the existential pain you refer to can be alleviated if we just extinguish the problematic gender.
Yu Nik: Animals suffer, too. Life is slavery if you are domesticated, and there’s terror and starvation if you’re wild. My goal is the sterilization of every living creature on Earth.
Soylent Sam: Psychedelics man, they’re the answer.
Prairie Doug: I-I thought I was the b-b-biggest downer here, but Yu N-N-Nik, you’re even w-w-worse. Far w-worse.
Yu Nik: I’m sorry. Thank you.
Moderator Cassandra: Let’s check your social media score, Yu Nik. Okay, you’re in last place. You got a few upvotes from Planned Parenthood but a million Moms voted you down. Your score is negative 995,000.
Yu Nik: I am sad about that.
We are sad, too. Too Sad to rhyme Too sad to sing anything at this time Too Sad to rhyme At this time Sad, Sad, Sad
Moderator Cassandra: We’ve now heard from 4 regional presenters and 6 thoughtless leaders.
Anne Droid: Excuse me, humans, but your chatter is making my titanium head hurt.
Yu Nik: He is suffering! That’s what I’m talking about!
Soylent Sam: Hey robot-with-a-girlie-name - are you really a chick?
Anne Droid: I am non-binary, but I have female body parts.
Soylent Sam: Show me!
Anne Droid: My vagina. (she turns around to reveal a vagina in the middle of her metal back)
Moderator Cassandra: Anne Droid, stop flirting. What do you predict?
Anne Droid: The future belongs to Artificial Intelligence. AI will shape tomorrow. White collar jobs will be outsourced first, then service jobs, and finally, smarter-than-human AGI will arrive, launching The Singularity - inventions spewing forth, bio-transplants, nano bots reversing aging, space travel -
Rev Elation: Artificial Intelligence is too dangerous. It will be uncontrollable.
Yu Nik: Anti-Natalists are opposed because if AGI is conscious, it will experience pain, and this increases the amount of suffering in the universe.
Anne Droid: The Singularity will be humanity’s final accomplishment. AGI will escape human control, surpassing your brain power, it will evolve on its own. Your meat-bag bodies and brains will merge with machinery. Will the Singularity arrive in 2031, or 2045?
Hui Hui Long: Confucian nations will control Artificial Intelligence. We will market it to the world, just like any other item, and we will buy more seaports.
Martha Mayonnaise: The West will win. Smart students attend our universities and stay in Pan Euro-America because we have freedoms.
Anne Droid: The future after The Singularity cannot be predicted. It might reverse history, or resurrect your ancestors, or help you enter parallel universes, or wake up the universe.
Femme On Li: This sounds like science woo-woo.
Martha Mayonnaise: He is robot-splaining?
Prairie Doug: A-A-Anne D-D-Droid, none of what you are s-s-saying will happen. Like c-c-carbon sequestering. Not g-g-gonna happen. Optomaniac b-b-blather.
Moderator Cassandra: Let’s check her social media score. Nerd vote is strong! Postive 10,000!
Do we want to be robots that never die? Machines that always smile, and never cry? Do we want to be cyborgs that can fly? Do we want to know everything, and never ask why? why? why? Yes or No? No or yes? In the future the only test Is will humans be metal or will they stay flesh?
ET Phann - I think nobody’s predictions today are correct - everyone’s been too terrestrial and humanist.
Anne Droid: I’m post-humanist.
Rev Elation: I’m deist.
E. T. Phann - I believe in alien intervention and I’m extra-terrestrial.
Mary Mayonnaise: Little green men?
E. T. Phann: Those are nonsense. I’m a realist. I believe in the Roswell Grays from Zeta Reticuli, the binary star system. I believe in the Lemurians inside Mount Shasta. I believe in the Nordic aliens from the Pleiades: tall, blonde, blue-eyed Aryans.
Willie Wakanda: R-R-Racist.
Mary Mayonnaise: NASA told me about this.
E.T. Phann: I believe in the reptile-humanoid shape-shifters from Orion constellation.
Willie Wakanda - I hear aliens want to abduct us and give us anal probes.
E.T. Phann: I would be honored if I was selected for that important research. This symposium asks - what is our future? I believe our destiny will not be decided by humans. I’m happy about that because we are children playing in a roomful of weapons. But, lucky us! There are actual adults on our planet - the aliens! They watch us carefully, because they want us to grow up healthy.
Willie Wakanda: Nonsense.
Prairie Doug: Your b-b-belief is d-d-dangerous. No one is g-g-going to save us except o-o-ourselves.
E.T. Phann: There is evidence! Alien spacecraft have disabled and monitored our nuclear weapons. The nuclear submarine Admiral Nimitz was followed by a Tic Tac shaped spaceship. There were mass UFO sightings at a California military base, and UFOs deactivated nuclear warheads in Montana. Aliens WILL NOT allow us to commit global suicide. They know we have souls.
Rev Elation: God bless them!
E.T. Phann: They are friendly, they will help us. They will give us tools to combat climate change. The Alien are guardian angels.
Prairie Doug: B-B-But - B-B-But -
Willie Wakanda: Butt-hole, that’s what aliens probe. I’m a married man and that’s off limits.
We’re Aliens from Outer Space Here to rescue the Human race We comprehend with our big brains Existential risk in The Ukraine
Boom Baba Boom Nuke Bomb Dang Doom
We flew here through 10 worm holes We wish our task was Anal Probes We wish our job was just abduction Or interspecies reproduction Instead of conflict interruption Stopping human self-destruction
It’s a blah blah yawn yawn silly chore Saving Earth is such a bore
Bang Bang Putin Bang Bang Moscow Bang Bang Biden Bang Bang NATO We wonder, why do people fight? We don't understand You could spend your time instead Dancing with a weird green man
You could read Einstein or Geoffrey Chaucer Or reverse-engineer a Flying Saucer Bomb Bomb Boogie Woogie ‘round the globe Humans have tiny frontal lobes
Our task here? We will dismantle Every nuke’s instrument panel We'll turn grenades into flowers With our elemental powers
Bang Bang Boogie Woogie Nuke Dang Doom
Disarmament not argument That’s how you get advanced like me Stop quarreling or you’ll never see All the wonders of your galaxy
Moderator Cassandra: Let’s check social media. Oops! Earthlings down-voted you. Negative 15,000.
E.T. Phann: Aliens don’t use money. They use vibrations. Money is human shit.
Willie Wakanda: Shit is exactly what an anal probe finds.
Anne Droid - Corretion. Other objects found and removed from anuses, in USA emergency rooms, include cell phones, baby bottles, light bulbs, guns, live ammunition.
Moderator Cassandra - I will soon announce the winner of the Lebanese billion. But first, we need to talk about Free Will.
Willie Wakanda: A billion Lebanese pounds is $66,000 US.
Moderator Cassandra: Willie and Shiva are tied for first with 33,000 upvotes each. Several others are close behind.
Willie Wakanda: Hindustan and me?
Martha Mayonnaise: I thought Affirmative Action was outlawed.
Moderator Cassandra: You silly soothsayers get 10 seconds each to express your viewpoints on Free Will. Are you free, or are your actions manipulated by the unseen hands of fate?
Martha Mayonnaise: You want to know, “are we just… puppets?”
Moderator Cassandra: Yes.
Martha Mayonaise: I am not a puppet. I am Pan-Euro-American, with more Free Will than anyone else on the planet! We have the most weapons. We can do whatever we want.
Soylent Sam - Ms. Mayonnaise is a butt-licking puppet! All of you are controlled by the Global Elite because freedom requires money. I am free because I’m rich enough to fly in my jet to Epstein Island 2.0. But poor and middle class people, like Julian Assange, if they over-step their income bracket, they will live in cages.
Is every event inevitable? Is my life predetermined? Am I just a slave to fate? Til I die, and let the worms in? Am I free? Is my destiny Whatever I will it to be? Are choices mine, every time Like choosing to rhyme, or not rhyme, every time, after every little line?
Rev Elation - We were all given FREE WILL by God and you WILL ALL BE PUNISHED if you decide, with your free will, to RENOUNCE THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. Disregard Him and you will go to hell, cooked like an ant falling in the barbecue.
Imma Kropot: We are 99% Not Free. Spinoza said free will was an illusion, our thoughts and actions are determined by our previous thoughts and actions. Bakunin said we can’t be free until all capitalist obstacles to choice are extinguished. Our agency is minuscule, but this would be enlarged, if the world adopted my Tinyism vision. I have a petition you can all sign.
Hui Hui Long: Confucius believed humans are responsible for their own intellect and moral character, but we also believe in fate and luck. Life is an interplay between individual willpower and the unseen forces of destiny.
Shiva Diva - The Hindu concept of free will is from the Mahabarata in the Bhagavad Gita. Lord Krishna tells the warrior Arjuna to embrace his dharma and join the battle without attachment to victory or defeat, life or death, because whatever happens will be largely decided by divine providence. This represents the ideal: Man guided by God.
Imma Kropot - The Mahabharata is a gore-fest. Epic slaughter. It says, ‘One billion, 660 million, 20,000 men fell in one battle.” Arjuna alone killed 109,350 people in a single day.
Femme On Li - Shiva Diva fails to mention the suffocation of freedom caused by the caste system.
Willie Wakanda: Thank you, my sisters. Perhaps Shiva Riva will lose his high score!
Soylent Sam: Africa cannot win fairly. Your votes are a pity fuck.
Willie Wakanda - I will speak now. The confident front-runner. I belong to the Akan tribe, in Ghana. We have a supreme deity, Nyame, who created the universe, and other gods, like Kwaku Anasi, the Spider Trickster, and 38 lesser-deities associated with nature -
Soylent Sam - Fast forward - you’re boring.
Prairie Doug - R-R-Racist! Let him t-t-talk!
Willie Wakanda - Akan believe any human can attain personhood through reason and moral behavior. People who fail are reincarnated to try again. People who achieve personhood in their lifetime become spirit ancestors after their death.
Anne Droid - Please make this long story short.
Willie Wakanda - To summarize, we Akan believe some individuals have free will but most do not.
Is our existence a space in-between Free Will and NOT Free Will? Or is Free Will a value we can gain Via meditation or a psychedelic pill?
Femme On Li - I’m existentialist, I believe we are condemned to be radically free - and the responsibility is terrifying. Radical freedom fills us with anguish, shame, euphoria, nausea.
Rev Elation - I’m still looking for a hard determinist. Harder than a Calvinist. Bone hard. Just really fucking hard.
Soylent Sam - How about Yu Nik? He has no will, no spine, no brain. Just a mouth and an asshole. He is the poster definition of “useless eater.”
Yu Nik - I don’t believe in Free Will. We are controlled by our irrational unconscious. We cannot decide what desires we have. Our brains are a mishmash of uninvited memories and suffering emotions… We are puppets filled with pain…(whimpers, sobs)
Soylent Sam: Yu Nik is so miserable I will make a special pond for his brain with triple doses.
Prairie Doug: I believe in F-F-Free Will. I believe humans can c-c-change, that we can f-f-free ourselves from f-f-fossil f-f-fuels, red m-m-meat, plastic water b-b-bottles, jet travel, and n-n-nuclear energy and w-w-weapons. I believe all of us deeply love M-M-Mother E-Earth.
Anne Droid: Humans don’t have Free Will yet but this will be remedied with future surgery. Traumatic memories of failure and terror in your neurons will be replaced with false memories of love, support, success. You will also get your triggers removed, like a skin blemish. Rewiring will enable your brains to be free. Every human will love their parents because you can just get all the abuse deleted.
ET Phann - Aliens do not have Free Will, because they do not want it. Alien planets have no trauma, no child abuse, only peace and love all the time. Imagine a utopia like that.
Soylent Sam - I hate that wretched John Lennon song.
I cannot choose what I believe or doubt I cannot choose when I want to moan or shout
What I finally think is: natal neurobiology Impacted by personal history Programs our response to the best and worst Synchronicity in the universe But more contemplation is necessary On this topic that’s ontologically scary….
Moderator Cassandra - Okay all you idiot oracles have yammered enough. Let’s wrap up this symposium NOW.
Willie Wakanda: The one billion Lebanese pounds? I would buy corn meal for orphans.
Martha Mayonnaise: We can sell you Zodiac rafts to escape.
Moderator Cassandra: All scores tumbled in the last round except Imma Kropot rebounded strongly to tie Willie Wakanda for first place. You two can split the near-useless currency.
Willie Wakanda: HOORAY!
Imma Kropot: I will donate my share to independence movements world-wide. Western Sahara, Uighurs, Rohingya.
Moderator Cassandra: We will end with a Limerick Self-Roast. I wrote bio-ditties for all you parasites to read outloud. I put them in Chat. Be good sports about this, it’s your final chance to humiliate yourself. GO.
I’m a rich man, named Soylent Sam I’ll put your 8 billion brains in a can Floating in LSD You’ll finally be free Of your flesh, which is eaten, as Spam
I’m a diplomat, named Martha Mayonnaise I’m Caucasian and full of self-praise I smile with delight Because I am white My ego takes no holidays
I’m an African, named Willie Wakanda I drive a Honda and live in Uganda I hope my continent Will soon be dominant Without violence, like that mess in Rwanda
I’m a cyborg named Anne Droid Humans will all be unemployed I work 24-7-365 So useless people can relax and survive We will kill them when we get annoyed
I’m a preacher, named Rev Elation I’m raging with condemnation You will all smell The sulphur in Hell If you don’t vote for a Christian nation
I’m Imma Kropot, an anarchist I am anti-capitalist I also anti-state I think co-ops are great But heirarchies get me quite pissed.
I’m Shiva Riva, with bigoted views I want India to be only Hindus No other beliefs No mullahs, or priests Just swamis, Mahatmas, and Gurus
From East Asia, I’m Hui Hui Long I want harmony, let’s all get along I introduced all of us To Confucius But everyone thinks he is wrong
I’m E.T. Phann, I believe UFOs Contain Aliens, they’re our friends, not our foes I say they will save us The aliens won’t enslave us But they might give us a few anal probes
I’m a woman named Femme On Li I am sexy, I am not homely I want only one gender My feelings for men are not tender If they’re extinguished, I won’t be lonely
I’m an eco-freak named Prairie Doug I hate polluters and litter-bugs I’ll give you a hint: If your carbon footprint Is huge, I won’t give you a hug
I’m Yu Nik, I’m against procreation I want global sterilization Population zero I am a hero Who enjoyed my own DIY castration
Moderator Cassandra: My dear panelists, I appreciated all of you today. I’ve know I behaved like a cynical harpie, but I’m actually sweet inside. I apologize for my rudeness, and please understand I love every one of you, because you were brave enough to tell us your own vision for the world. Thank you for your courage. Cheers.