Lament of the Circumcised Man

when I was a baby, three days old

the doctor took his steel scapel, bright and cold

he grabbed my little weenie, he held it in his hand

he said,”get ready, Junior, I’m going to make you a man”

I looked at him with innocent, trusting eyes

he said, “are you prepared to be circumcised?”

he pulled my loose flesh forward, he squeezed it in a pinch

he saw my foreskin waiting there, three quarters of an inch

above my crotch he held the knife

slowly he began to slice

blooded squirted on my nose and chin, blood squirted in my eye

blood ripped from my severed member and I began to cry

“where oh where is my dear Mama?

to rescue me from my first trauma?

Where oh where is my dear Dad

doesn’t he know this makes me sad?”

its a thing that baby boys go through - it’s a modern operation

penis mutilation

anyway the years went by, with my tip shaped like an acorn

I forgot that it looked different from when I was first born

I thought it was the right aesthetic, I thought that is was cool

’cause it looked like any other dick in my gym class at high school

but then, one day after basketball practice, I was taking a leak

someone was standing next to me, I had to take a peek

startled, I stared! it was the transfer student from Berlin

I saw between his legs… a wrinkled foreskin

“where’d you get that thing?” I asked him

he told me European guys remain what he called intact

the same, he said, is true, all over the world, only Americans and Jews - get hacked

well… I stared at his foreskin with curiosity

and I began to wonder, why’d this happen to me?

why’d my parents pay to have this surgery done? 

if I still had a foreskin… I might be having fun!

Like.. inside that slippery hood I’d hide, dollar bills and silly things

or maybe I would get it pierced, I’s wear a penis ear ring

perhaps I’d pull the loose flesh forward,

I’d tie a ribbon around the end

it’d be the perfect present for a sexy friend

but now I can’t do that because I never got the chance

to decide what kind of penis I could wear inside my pants

Mom and Dad, if you give birth to a bit of screaming meat

you don’t chop off the ears and tongue, the chubby hands and feet

but yet, you did not hesitate,

you left me screaming, hurt, in shock

you paid a doctor fifty dollars to decapitate my cock

If I ever have a baby, a little tiny man, like me

I won’t play games with flesh

I won’t let a surgeon mess

with the shape of his weenie

he can keep the organ he was born with

that nature gave him to enjoy

I would not amputate the foreskin of a helpless baby boy